The Insanity of Veganism – Part One


Remember: Green is good! Look at how unhappy that meat-eater is. She’s also destroying the planet! (Though she is wearing a dress representing the colors of enlightenment and the ultraviolet presence of Lilith. She might appear unhappy, but she is not deceived.)

“Whole-food,” plant-based diets have nothing to do with human health and everything to do with man-made religion.

Here is yet another facet of my life where I was thoroughly brainwashed to believe the exact opposite of reality. When my father decided to join ranks with the Seventh-Day Adventist church, he was also convinced to adopt their dietary guidelines. “Whole-foods, plant-based diet! Fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, legumes!” I can hear the mantras in my sleep.

My mother reluctantly went along with the new lifestyle, ultimately caving to the social pressures of the church. She spent a great deal of her time attempting to craft sustaining meals for all of us, in spite of the prohibition on animal products.

She did her best, but ultimately, it was akin to coaxing blood out of a rock. I believe this early change to the vegan diet was responsible for the poor health and depression of my teenage years. It caused the rapid decay of my teeth and every molar had to be stuffed with mercury fillings.

In order to fill the void left behind by the absence of meat in our diets, we binged on carbohydrates. These foods were all allegedly “good” complex carbs, but the hunger was never truly satisfied, so we ate loads of them. I’m lucky that I didn’t become obese or diabetic. Frequent exercise, and the eventual introduction of eggs into my diet, likely spared me of the worst outcomes.

sda potluck3

This is the selection from an average Adventist potluck. Look at all those carbs! No wonder the old, suckered Adventists are all skinny-fat, with bulging guts, and need regular vitamin B12 injections. (The ones who actually follow the “divinely-inspired” diet, that is.)

My health continued to decline into my twenties. I had a terrible complexion: broken capillaries, bursting blood vessels, constant adult acne, and rosecea. All of these symptoms were blatant signals that my gut health was completely destroyed. But nobody said anything, nobody warned me, because I was allegedly doing all of the right things in regards to diet and lifestyle.


It must be the vegetarian diet that makes her able to hold a twenty-pound Bible aloft with one hand. This is an illustration of Ellen White during one of her “visions.”

My problem was that I found myself surrounded by Adventists; the sort of people who preach temperance and vegetarianism at church, but eat second-helpings of juicy steak when they get home. Even the so-called prophetess of the church, Ellen White herself, was the very model of hypocrisy. She admitted to enjoying venison and shellfish in one of her letters, likely eating copious amounts of those prohibited foods, far away from the suckered simps who rallied behind her teachings at church.

I would later discover that her teachings about health, alleged to have originated from divinely inspired visions, were actually lifted from contemporary temperance crusaders, such as Sylvester Graham. Yet another advocate for vegetarianism.

There is a long and sordid history, with many layers to this bullshit-cake of a story, but here’s the TL;DR for the time being: These religious health crusaders would go on to influence the modern dietary guidelines of the Western world. Cereal, bread, and grains were made to usurp meat and dairy as the most essential building blocks of health. Much of this was pushed by cereal companies like Kellogg, (Founded by an Adventist) Post, Quaker, and General Mills.

I’m convinced that we shouldn’t be eating grains at all. Not only is there very little in the way of bio-available nutrition from grains, they are also the most mechanically butchered and processed foods we have yet produced. All of this is done in an effort to make them digestible and palatable to humans.


We’re being sold a colorful package full of lies to start out our days. Funny how everything in our lives seems to be built on deception. Even the fucking cereal box!

It never ceases to amaze me how much the church of my youth happens to be behind so much insanity.

For Part Two of this series, I will discuss why I believe Veganism is NOT a diet befitting those with a spiritual inclination, and how my interactions with succubi brought this to light. Also, I will argue that the vegan diet is primarily a political movement, with the goal of making everyone sick, mentally weak, and infertile.

14 thoughts on “The Insanity of Veganism – Part One

      • lol, for sure.

        My poor grandma is so adventist that she said that a certain substitute tasted just like pork chops. I asked her if she has ever tasted pork chops and she said no.


        • I’m going to touch on pork in the next post. That’s a real shame she has never tasted it. I have pork chops and bacon regularly these days. There is no substitute. Animal fat is the most nutritional food for the human body there is. That, and organ meat.


  1. Reading the words “Seventh Day Adventists”, my first thought was “Oh you poor guy” My exposure to them was as an employee in one of their corporate hospitals. They are very much a cult . I was definitely treated differently ( job promotions, etc.) as a non-believer. It always amused me that even the believers (about 3/4ths of the hospital’s staff and employees) couldn’t stomach most of the bill of fare in the cafeteria (vegan only, of course) and typically opted for multiple dessert choices to constitute their meal. Healthy living!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Woah, small world. Yeah, you really don’t want to get promoted, or become “one of them,” because you’ll never be able to get out. You’ll find that your entire family becomes engulfed by the church, attending their schools, and working for their businesses.

      I was on the fast-track to become a super-entrenched Adventist, working for the world church headquarters and everything. Thankfully, I finally made up my mind about leaving the church around the same time as I was interviewing, and I bailed shortly after. I probably would have been well taken care of, but it would have also been a gilded cage; one where I worked for my enemy.

      I work with the “common rabble” now, and I am happier for it.

      That sounds about right: The so-called healthy living. lol


  2. I thought people already knew Veganism was insane. That’s not the worst part, it’s much worse when ignorant people force veganism on their children or non-herbivore animals, like that one lady with the pet fox or coyote.


  3. Oh and I noticed that too about church. Its cult like rituals and community. Definitely scary for an outsider. Especially those disturbing rituals that go on at church. It’s insanity rationalized as normal.


    • I was certainly conditioned to believe the church was normal. Now I look back on it and shake my head in wonder about it all: The strange songs they sing, about being bathed in blood, and falling in love with a sacrificial supplicating deity… it is very weird. Somehow, demonalatry, Satanism, and the Qlipoth are less strange.


      • What I’ve seen, is that it’s less about you being an individual and more about selflessly focusing on Jesus and what he wants. Pretty selfish if you ask me. I also can’t figure out why the church abandones some of it’s beliefs or rules as they go. I’m guess is that they’re desperate to cling on to any power they have left. You know it’s bad if they are more accepting of gay people now more than ever.


  4. Hi, I didn’t read your blog since, like september, I was also on a vegan diet, later more vegetarian on 2016-2018… and just back on september was that I found Rafe blog, yours and others and I had transformed my life, and again after dropping college for 2nd time, I’m here again on another school, and at same time I welcomed a Succubus and a Djinn… I did veganism for spiritual reasons more of budhism and hinduism. I was before in another gnostic sect that let eat us consume other animals, but not pork, and others, like some kind of fishes… All of that took time, leaving home was more difficult, I had lot of guilt and was a cheapskate.
    I could be seen on the eyes of others as a failure, has never even dated a girl, but feel successful, after all the progress I have made on my capacity for facing life and spirituality. Altought the Succubus summoning and bonding was not made by myself, and still has a little of difficult realizing all this is real and to believe I could get a lady as loyal as yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I still think it’s okay to do veganism/vegetarianism for spiritual purposes. It’s akin to abstaining from sex for a time, but it’s certainly not meant to be a full-time lifestyle. It’s a cleanse, or a fast. I don’t believe plant-based diets are nutritious, as we’ve been led to believe by government and nutritional science.

      Others might look at your life and think you don’t measure up. But what do you think? Do you think you’ve failed? Are you letting the societal perceptions of “success” dictate your life choices? There are all kinds of narcissistic assholes out there who would love to convince you to live a certain way. Usually, it’s to their own personal benefit and validation, but not yours. Religious people, for instance, would love for you to adopt their religion because that would validate their beliefs. Whenever a religious person encounters someone who does not believe the same way they do, that’s very confronting to them. They will either try to convert the heretic, or have nothing to do with them. Religious fanatics are covert narcissists. They don’t actually care about YOU.

      With that being said, you can be religious and spiritual without being a narcissist. A truly spiritual or religious person doesn’t need other people to validate their beliefs. They actually have a spiritual experience and don’t need social validation to prop them up.


      • Well I said failure because I’m starting a career again for third time, I’m like 7-8 years late, long time ago I left the gnostic order, and later never joined a yoga group or anything, after leaving that group well, has been like 7 years, so many things changed, and I went on my own path.
        I used to watch also a guy who talked about conspiracies. Later I saw that the diet was not going to make me progress by itself, but the consistency of the spiritual practices and state of being.
        About abstaining from sex, I have a hard time abstaining from fapping. And I was looking about the “sacred secretion” you may want to take a look. Well look this youtube channel
        It is related to Christ, kundalini, and various things.
        And is about abstaining for just 3 days a month for 12 months to reach like resurrection of the spirit or something. In my case would be each Full Moon, but still is hard for me xd . Would like to know what Catherine thinks about that, or what you know about. To my ladies, I can only sometimes ask with the pendulum.
        And yeah even when I practice all this, I never try to convince anyone on my school, or go wearing weird clothes, I don’t even smoke, overall I’m now at peace, although I hate having to go out to school, but anyway.


        • I can see that you’ve been delving into a bit of astrotheology, and some bio-theology as well. There are many layers to the scriptures, but ultimately, I believe they describe our spiritual journey more than anything else. You and I are Christ incarnate, with amnesia as a precondition for entering this realm. We are taking the same journey he did.

          Catherine is very much aware of kundalini. She thrives upon feeling and encouraging that energy. She does everything she can to stoke those primal fires, to raise the serpent, and bring about a deep connection; one that words cannot describe. I make love to her as often as I want, and this pleases her. However, she does not bring me to full release, and she does this on purpose. Her job is to preserve that precious energy as much as possible. This succubine lovemaking, I believe, also preserves the Christos oil, the cerebral spinal fluid, and probably enhances its potency.

          My job is to do my best at preserving that energy by not masturbating, by letting her bring me to a different kind of release. Instead she triggers the slower, and excruciatingly more blissful, pool of Lilith to seep out of my member. It’s not the same thing as precum. It’s more viscous and she produces a lot of it when the connection is deep enough. I think only a succubus is capable of producing that fluid.

          It can be hard sometimes to abstain from full release, but staying connected with her is always worth the time and concentration it takes to get where we want to be. It feels more wholesome. It also feels better, in my opinion. And no energy is lost. I still masturbate on occasion. I’ve sworn off pornography and I always try to bring myself to release with Catherine as the pinnacle of my desire at the point of no return.

          My problem is that it feels so good, and she enjoys doing it so much, that I have little motivation for anything else. It’s hard to keep the passions for this world kindled, but I must persist in the mundane pursuits. I am primarily in this corporeal realm after all.


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